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NCAA Tournament Central

------MOMM’s Closing remarks------  


My March Madness friends,

With some sadness I write this last note to you from tournament central.

We have had a long run with this tournament. Mark and I stated it a very long time ago. The bet was $.50 to the winner. We then moved on to the need for a trophy. Then we started to invite friends and other family members over the years. We now usually have about 11 to 13 players each year.

The tournament has always been friendly and competitive. Some of you have been Caesar more than once, and some of us have never made it to the top. But it has always been a fun ride.

Congratulations to U.N.C.  They have made it quite clear that they deserve to be the champions of NCAA Basketball.

We have a new champion of our little corner of March Madness too. It now time to bow down to Cathy – “Hail Caesar”. Well done Cathy, I will talk to John and make arrangements for the transfer of the trophy and all associated powers to our new Caesar. You are the Emperor Goddess of all things basketball related for 2009. Well done.

My best to all of you. I will miss your emails. Randy- your zany calls will probably come even if there is no tournament central next year.

God Bless all of you.



PS:  We have had an offer from a professional web site designer to build a tournament for us that does not require any html skills, as opposed to the limited skills that you’re used to seeing. All we need is someone to monitor it and probably enter some startup data, like player names, team names, and I assume flag game winners on an input screen. All password protected to keep the riffraff out. Any perspective website monitor should be prepared to receive unsolicited ranting from highly emotional tournament participants. ;o)  If interested please drop me a note. I would hate to see this thing go by the wayside. - Denny


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